“Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit.
When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open.” 

~B.K.S. Iyengar

Transformative Wellness E-Newsletter

Summer 2013 News Headlines:


•Dr. Natasha Grbich will be in VANCOUVER for the summer.  She will be starting to see clients JUNE 20, 2013.  Please book through email before the 20th of June. 

•Woman’s Vinyasa Yoga and Meditation Retreat: Lead by Dr. Natasha Grbich
Dates:  To be announced, Location:  Gambier Island, BC Canada, Price: $250.

•Private Yoga and Rehabilitation Yoga in Vancouver (contact Natasha for more information)

• Stay posted for our Five day Vinyasa Yoga and Meditation Retreat on Gambier Island, Canada in September.


•Renovations at Transformative Wellness Clinic in San Jose Del Cabo, have been progressing.   Everyday we enjoy the changes and invite you to come and visit the space. 

•Dental health care is available for most of the summer. • Come in for a Dental Check up, teeth cleaning and whiting to brighten up your Summer Smile:  Price: $200 US

Lumineers will be available starting Sept. 2013.  Dr. Boris Leon Herbas will be visiting the head office in Lompoc, California and returning with exciting new state of the art products.   

• Ultra-thin LUMINEERS are custom designed to give you the beautiful smile you’ve always dreamed of. Unlike traditional veneers, there are no shots, no drilling of sensitive tooth structure, and no pain. They’re even reversible, so you have nothing to lose and a beautiful smile to gain. Plus—LUMINEERS are proven to last for over 20 years, so your beautiful smile will be with you for years and years.

• Dr. Natasha Grbich is in San Jose del Cabo and seeing clients till June 14th. For booking please email or call the Mexican office.

• Vinyasa yoga and pranayama workshop (Learn various breathing techniques while practicing intelligent sequencing).  Pre-register by June 15th.
When: Saturday, June 22nd
Time: 10am-12pm
Price: $50
Location: Transformative Wellness Clinic (with Dr. Boris Leon Herbas)
Continuing Education hours are available.

• Private yoga sessions are available at Transformative Wellness Yoga studio.
(Ask about our on site yoga privates)
Price: $70 (1hour 15min)


Pose of the Month:

Padangustha Dhanurasana 1:
Bound Bow Pose

Back bending in Yoga practices allows one to change their postural habits and change the way one deals with stress.  By opening the spinal cord and all the nerves that attach to it one will have a stimulated the entire body.  The shoulders and hips are stretched and well circulated.  Meanwhile the digestive organs have been massaged and stretched so they may function better. 


Transformative Wellness


“Let food be thy medicine
and medicine be thy food” 


Recipe of the Month:

Digestive Cleansing Green Smoothie

3-4 leaves of Kale
1 cup alkaline water
1/2 cup almond milk
1 cup papaya
1 banana

Yields 3 glasses

Smoothies are a great way to eat your fruits and veggies.  With all the water content in them one can hydrate quickly and get all the benefits from an array of fresh enzymes, vitamins and minerals. 





To unsubscribe from the Transformative Wellness E-newsletter, please contact Natasha at info@transformativewellness.com.

Visit the transformativewellness.com website.

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Transformative Wellness - Bio-Dentistry, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Nutrition & Yoga Clinic
Los Cabos, Mexico | Vancouver, Canada

Web design by Brian Chard Design